Major case against a scum-bag corporation that is doing what was accused in the case, most likely it's collusion and they paid the judge to stuff the case without looking at whether or not the claim was valid.If you have a case like this and there is no legitimate investigation on the part of the state, then you basically are stating that you can commit a crime in plain view of everyone as long as no one is smart enough to see that there was fault on the part of the guilty or accused.
The evidence is there in the multiple scam company's that Google, Mozilla and other companies/corporations Microsoft and apple included operate to probe the users base for personal information in a way that could only be seen as collusive.
The system they operate is so immoral and uncontrolled that the KLU-KLUX-KLAN is using it at the same time that Afrocentric free-masons are and they often meet together to limit each others prey and to further exchange information the google analytic system seems to have been misidentified as "SPECTRUM" and has nothing to do with the NSA but does have a tracking system named after the verse system in the Koran which is called AYAH.
I cannot find anything on a subsystem or system called AYAH anywhere on the internet but from what the plain English instructions that are generated by going to This address you can see that it tracks you mouse your screen size as well as how many windows you have and there are a list of commands that can be placed after the address like :
and if there is any command given after play/ like say
play/"anything you type"
it becomes your "publisher" key
I think it has to do with Google accounts Mozilla accounts and Microsoft Yahoo accounts so that a lot of different companies can "exploit" a single resource most of it is just statistical information but because there is a geographical portion of the information groups like the K.K.K. can and do use it to stalk people based on the sexual and social habits that they have as consumers.
Things like financial information for the most part are hidden by a standard that most financial institutions pay into and most county's and states maintain with priority of secrecy by administrations greater than the civilian consumer base which is beneath the military industrial complex.
So there is no way anyone can get your ATM card or your social but if they created a page that mimics something that is legitimate and then you as a consumer are fooled into betraying yourself to a third party that is not a part of the trust, who is to blame the consumer the corporation or the third party that frauds the company the consumer and the also the state.
I may add more on this and to this post so that it is more focused but I do do this so that I do not lose the information or the ideas and that I may relate personal opinion and clarify fact from opinion so that a more clear view of this can be had I have no degree I do not work for the government but from my personal experiences I have come to believe that there is a terrible social order that sees the unaware as a resource of amusement and that terror and limitation can bring personal profit and gain for the individual that inhabits and participates in the gang stalking through manipulation of industrial contiguous statistical information.
Racism through hacking I get targeted by racists often for playing games and with the wrong color of skin, and I get socially stalked into restaurants and stores and doctor offices its always there.

Instruction altering for effect without affecting another persons system is what I did in this screen capture...

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