Friday, June 9, 2017

The children of men



This is my younger brother Arjuna my father had an extra marital affair when I was a child and he used me to lie to my mother about whether or not this was happening in the moment and then he fled the country with his lover and he was not around until he was almost killed by Neo-Nazi's he returned as a bullsh!t Muslim and forced me into studying the Koran which I did but was not happy with the amount of limitations that it presented and I became a Hare Khrisna practitioner and later a believer in the Tao and Taoism is where I remain to this day because of the truth in being that it allows

 This is my father chastising me over things that make him look like a hypocrite masturbation anal sex video games computer being clean not being superstitious and excepting Caucasians as my peers all of that pisses him off and he is a belligerent racist and a homophobic man  as well as immoral man that hid behind a child to commit adultery and then after that blames that man that was forced as  a boy to lie for him to not enjoy sexual pleasure for himself and to also deny that I am partially Caucasian because of my mothers heritage (he had two children with a Swedish women and both are falsely Afro-centric even though they are half white themselves) in that Mexicans
I just felt like putting a picture of Josef here for no reason no reason at all...

Granny Tilly or Yolanda Loera/Perez

Grandpa Jose was taken on my Birthday

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