Saturday, March 11, 2017

Filthy Frank

This did happen in front of me and to me.

The guy in the pink shirts name is "Frank" the african guy is Suliman or "Solomon" I do not know who the others are but they are danish and speak dutch...

She collects Cans and lives on the street...
She has a beard and lives in a car...

Gay marriage is very frightening especially from the neo-nazi perspective, watching them rape kids and epic fail was very enlightening.
Homosexual fascism is what was planned and carried out...

I am hoping that this is some kind of joke but if not then you have a big ass black man living in the center of the earth laughing at us...
I have no idea what these are but they are linked to thorny thistle Scottish rite and York rite as Templar under Jesuits and the British monarchy...

This is Elon Musk eating with some of the unknowns...

It does not end well for the research staff...

New batch just as of "Lucifer"...

 These are very old phtos from the last cycle of the "Martian" LAW
This is some kind of marine fungus that has mutated to live and grow on land and after this it made my hand itch and I had to sterilize it by soaking it in 91% rubbing alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide which calcified and neutralized all of the spores and microbes...



 (A)Bryan Fury

 Wei Feng



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