(a) An individual prosecutor is not an independent agent but is a member of an independent institution the primary duty of which is to seek justice.
(b) The prosecutor’s client is the public, not particular government agencies or victims.
(c) The purposes of a criminal investigation are to:
(i) develop sufficient factual information to enable the prosecutor to make a fair and objective determination of whether and what charges should be brought and to guard against prosecution of the innocent, and
(ii) develop legally admissible evidence sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction of those who are guilty and warrant prosecution.
(d) The prosecutor should:
(i) ensure that criminal investigations are not based upon premature beliefs or conclusions as to guilt or innocence but are guided by the facts;
(ii) ensure that criminal investigations are not based upon partisan or other improper political or personal considerations and do not invidiously discriminate against, nor wrongly favor, persons on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political beliefs, age, or social or economic status;
(iii) consider whether an investigation would be in the public interest and what the potential impacts of a criminal investigation might be on subjects, targets and witnesses; and
(iv) seek in most circumstances to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of criminal investigations.
(e) Generally, the prosecutor engaged in an investigation should not be the sole decision-maker regarding the decision to prosecute matters arising out of that investigation.
(f) The prosecutor should be aware of and comply with the ethical rules and other legal standards applicable to the prosecutor’s conduct during an investigation.
(g) The prosecutor should cooperate with other governmental authorities regarding matters that are of legitimate concern to such authorities when doing so is permitted by law and would not compromise an investigation or other criminal justice goals.
(h) The prosecutor’s office should provide organizational structure to guide its members’ investigative work.

I have no idea to this day if Lee Marrs was senile or if she was racist for recommending something that was irrelevant or not there.
Or just a really abusive old lesbian that thinks that minority males are the most abusive or misogynistic...
Berkeley high-school was a useless public education establishment and pretty much creates liberal retards that are fodder (people to hide behind or use as filler for dysfunctional masonic based socialist Utopian ideals that harm the base or platform of humanity...) for things like Greenpeace or cults like Scientology.
(a) The prosecutor should have wide discretion to select matters for investigation. Thus, unless required by statute or policy:
(i) the prosecutor should have no absolute duty to investigate any particular matter; and
(ii) a particularized suspicion or predicate is not required prior to initiating a criminal investigation.
(b) In deciding whether an investigation would be in the public interest, the prosecutor should consider, but not necessarily be dissuaded by, the following:
(i) a lack of police interest;
(ii) a lack of public or political support;
(iii) a lack of identifiable victims;
(iv) fear or reluctance by potential or actual witnesses; or
(v) unusually complex factual or legal issues.
(c) When deciding whether to initiate or continue an investigation, the prosecutor should consider:
(i) whether there is evidence of the existence of criminal conduct;
(ii) the nature and seriousness of the problem or alleged offense, including the risk or degree of harm from ongoing criminal conduct;
(iii) a history of prior violations of the same or similar laws and whether those violations have previously been addressed through law enforcement or other means;
(iv) the motive, interest, bias or other improper factors that may influence those seeking to initiate or cause the initiation of a criminal investigation;
(v) the need for, and expected impact of, criminal enforcement to:
(A) punish blameworthy behavior;
(B) provide specific andor general deterrence;
(C) provide protection to the community;
(D) reinforce norms embodied in the criminal law;
(E) prevent unauthorized private action to enforce the law;
(F) preserve the credibility of the criminal justice system; and
(G) other legitimate public interests.

The second time the mix-up or accident happened was when a person offered me a chance to show my portfolio to the admissions office at San Francisco art academy I think I can read and the address I was given I went to, but once again a gay prank from some of our masonic friends and this time it was BEAR magazine, maybe a year or two later I was poisoned with LSD and attempted to commit suicide with a knife and now my life is what it is...

I got tricked AGAIN into posting my art on Deviant-art which is basically a hook-up site for gay adults and gay children to arrange for social sacrifices of the un-aware and is a useless scam. I realized that the site was dead and the "Printing" service is low quality and the only real way to become popular is to pay "Hackers" that advertise their ability's real money to give you artificial interest and the moment I spoke against it gay sexual harassment and racism in unison

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