(Red letter tyndale is more palatable then the TLB based on less fictious things within it as a moral apocypha myth lesson.)
41 “Can you catch a crocodile with a hook and line? Or put a noose around his tongue? 2 Can you tie him with a rope through the nose, or pierce his jaw with a spike? 3 Will he beg you to desist or try to flatter you from your intentions? 4 Will he agree to let you make him your slave for life? 5 Can you make a pet of him like a bird, or give him to your little girls to play with? 6 Do fishing partners sell him to the fishmongers? 7 Will his hide be hurt by darts, or his head with a harpoon?
8 “If you lay your hands upon him, you will long remember the battle that ensues and you will never try it again! 9 No, it’s useless to try to capture him. It is frightening even to think about it! 10 No one dares to stir him up, let alone try to conquer him. And if no one can stand before him, who can stand before me?11 I owe no one anything. Everything under the heaven is mine. 12 “I should mention, too, the tremendous strength in his limbs and throughout his enormous frame. 13 Who can penetrate his hide, or who dares come within reach of his jaws? 14 For his teeth are terrible. 15-17 His overlapping scales are his pride, making a tight seal so no air can get between them, and nothing can penetrate. 18 “When he sneezes, the sunlight sparkles like lightning across the vapor droplets. His eyes glow like sparks. 19 Fire leaps from his mouth. 20 Smoke flows from his nostrils, like steam from a boiling pot that is fired by dry rushes. 21 Yes, his breath would kindle coals—flames leap from his mouth. 22 “The tremendous strength in his neck strikes terror wherever he goes. 23 His flesh is hard and firm, not soft and fat. 24 His heart is hard as rock, just like a millstone. 25 When he stands up, the strongest are afraid. Terror grips them. 26 No sword can stop him, nor spear nor dart nor pointed shaft. 27-28 Iron
is nothing but straw to him, and brass is rotten wood. Arrows cannot
make him flee. Sling stones are as ineffective as straw. 29 Clubs do no good, and he laughs at the javelins hurled at him. 30 His belly is covered with scales as sharp as shards; they tear up the ground as he drags through the mud. 31-32 “He
makes the water boil with his commotion. He churns the depths. He
leaves a shining wake of froth behind him. One would think the sea was
made of frost! 33 There is nothing else so fearless anywhere on earth. 34 Of all the beasts, he is the proudest—monarch of all that he sees.” yami and yama
Jah (YhWh)
On December 29, 2004, Golan was indicted in an Israeli court along with
three other men - Robert Deutsch, an inscriptions expert who has
lectured at the University of Haifa; collector Shlomo Cohen; and
antiquities dealer Faiz al-Amaleh. They were accused of being part of a
forgery ring that had been operating for more than 20 years. Golan
denied the charges against him. Faiz al-Amla, a Palestinian dealer from
the village of Beit Ula in the Hebron Hills was convicted and sentenced
to a six-month jail term as part of a plea bargain. Charges were dropped
against two of the men, leaving only Golan and Deutsch. On March 14,
2012, the trial concluded with Golan's acquittal. Jerusalem Judge Aharon
Farkash stated "that there is no evidence that any of the major
artifacts were forged, and that the prosecution failed to prove their
accusations beyond a reasonable doubt.". He also "particularly scathing
about tests carried out by the Israel police forensics laboratory that
he said had probably contaminated the ossuary, making it impossible to
carry out further scientific tests on the inscription." On May 30, 2012,
Oded Golan was fined 30,000 shekels and sentenced to one month in jail
for minor non-forgery charges related to the trial. As he spent time
incarcerated at the start of the case, he will not have to serve any
time in prison.
A few hours before the cease fire, Marcus returned to his Central Front headquarters. He and his commanders were billeted in the monks' quarters of the abandoned Monastere Notre Dame de la Nouvelle Alliance in Abu Ghosh. Shortly before 4:00 a.m., a sentry, Eliezer Linski, eighteen years old, and a one-year Palmach veteran, challenged Marcus, who he saw as a figure in white. When Marcus failed to respond with the password, Linski fired in the air and the man ran towards the monastery. He fired at the man, as did one or more fighters in a nearby sentry post. Marcus was found dead, wrapped in a white blanket. As an American Jew, Marcus knew very little Hebrew and failed to understand the Hebrew challenge, and Linski did not understand Marcus who responded in English. Marcus wore no rank, although officers had been recognized by a ribbon pinned to their uniforms. As Marcus's body was removed from Abu Ghosh, a ribbon was found and placed on his casket.
His body was returned to the United States for burial, accompanied by Moshe Dayan and his wife Ruth, Yoseph Harel, and the wife of his aide de camp, Alex Broida.
Ben-Gurion was suspicious of the initial report that Marcus had been shot accidentally. The Haganah was composed of several factions whose lack of consensus over strategy and tactics was one of the reasons for Marcus's appointment as commander for Jerusalem, and Ben-Gurion suspected that elements in the Palmach may have conspired to kill Marcus so he would be replaced. On the same day Marcus was shot, Ben-Gurion summoned Yaakov Shimshon Shapira—later Israel's Attorney General—and asked him to investigate the incident. Shapira's investigation was cursory. Despite conflicting reports concerning the number of shots fired, how many wounds Marcus suffered, whether the fatal wound could have been caused by Linski's rifle, and how and why Marcus may have been outside the monastery, he concluded that Linski shot Marcus in the line of duty. The report has never been made public.
Thorny Thistle Scott Miller Mary of the Scots and Francois/Francis
San Francisco (Spanish for "Saint Francis") was founded on June 29,
1776, when colonists from Spain established a fort at the Golden Gate
and a mission named for St. Francis of Assisi a few miles away. The
California Gold Rush of 1849 brought rapid growth, making it the largest
city on the West Coast at the time. Due to the growth of its
population, San Francisco became a consolidated city-county in 1856.
After three-quarters of the city was destroyed by the 1906 earthquake
and fire, San Francisco was quickly rebuilt, hosting the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition nine years later. During World War II, San
Francisco was the port of embarkation for service members shipping out
to the Pacific Theater. After the war, the confluence of returning
servicemen, massive immigration, liberalizing attitudes, along with the
rise of the "hippie" counterculture, the Sexual Revolution, the Peace
Movement growing from opposition to United States involvement in the
Vietnam War, and other factors led to the Summer of Love and the gay
rights movement, cementing San Francisco as a center of liberal activism
in the United States. Politically, the city votes strongly along
liberal Democratic Party lines.
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