
Global Domination
contracts for supplying weapons for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are
a significant part of Lockheed Martin’s business, the new company that
has taken form since the merger boom of the 1990s has a far wider reach.
These activities include everything from involvement in interrogation
and police training to profiting from the new post-9/11 wave of domestic
surveillance activities.
Of all
the new ventures that Lockheed Martin has undertaken, the least well
known may be its role in interrogating prisoners at U.S. facilities in
Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
fact that employees of private companies are even allowed to interrogate
terror suspects came as a surprise to most Americans when it was
revealed in the wake of the Abu Ghraib scandal. The revelations of the
use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”—many of which were viewed by
human rights analysts as torture plain and simple—rocked the world as
pictures of naked inmates threatened by dogs and subjected to other
serious abuses were disseminated in print and electronic media. The
damage to the reputation of the United States
as a country governed by the rule of law is still being felt, even as
accountability has been limited to the low-level military personnel asd
First was crazy gay women in police officer uniforms and the second two were sarcastic neo-nazi's that had no idea that I wanted to kill them...all.


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