Baphomet appears as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century. It first came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templars.
The revelations (each known as Ayah, lit. "Sign [of God]"), which Muhammad reported receiving until his death, form the verses of the Quran, regarded by Muslims as the verbatim "Word of God" and around which the religion is based. Besides the Quran, Muhammad's teachings and practices (sunnah), found in the Hadith and sira (biography) literature, are also upheld and used as sources of Islamic law (see Sharia).

41 “Can you catch a crocodile with a hook and line? Or put a noose around his tongue? Can you tie him with a rope through the nose, or pierce his jaw with a spike? Will he beg you to desist or try to flatter you from your intentions? Will he agree to let you make him your slave for life? Can you make a pet of him like a bird
or give him to your little girls to play with? Do fishing partners sell him to the fishmongers? Will his hide be hurt by darts, or his head with a harpoon?
“If you lay your hands upon him, you will long remember the battle that ensues and you will never try it again! No, it’s useless to try to capture him. It is frightening even to think about it! No one dares to stir him up, let alone try to conquer him. And if no one can stand before him, who can stand before me?I owe no one anything. Everything under the heaven is mine.
Bacha posh