I think I might get out of this fucked up situation with some change in my pocket and carte blanche for the remainder of my days because of the limitations of the underman and his never ending
quest for forced equality and some kind of balance that is created by balancing the being of others
into a fair society with community's that are open to all instead of something that allows for like
minded individuals to invest in a community that is built within and by the "standard" and limitations of the state.Private community's that are created for spiritual persons or by sexual preference or political ideology (shit like communism and anarchy are illegal because they are polar opposites to the republican form of government and allow for illegal activism and criminal action against the state and the sovereign citizen) racially exclusive populations could also be arrived to as long as it is by the standard and limitation of the state ( In Britain they use the term prohibitive license to describe a limitation of for or by the state)... Sounds crazy from afar but you should try the eye of the storm sometime just to see how much SJW you can take, I live in what amounts to the Auschwitz of liberal SJW
We get to nuke Israel and Great Britain and blame it on aliens or north Korea. |



Barrack Obama supported the KLU KLUX KLAN through Freemason orders such as the Rotarian and the international order of odd fellows.
The pedo-orders were some of the worst because--
--the concept of law abiding citizen was not possible in their minds it was break the law because it was a white man slave master creation or that the only law that there was came directly from GOD and that no other scripture was standard against or before the bible and then also in that the King James bible was literally the word of god and then also that Jehovah was the savior and the simpler way of life was the best way, and that amounts to white supremacy maintained by ignorant filthy blacks and genocide and a holocaust for all not white not black persons, also history is a lie and science is also and homosexuality is a miraculous ritual that only the chosen mulattoes created from the lowest blacks and the most supreme whites.